Rubies slipping through my fingers . . .

I was at my computer Teusday night when the announcement that RubyConf2006 tickets were going on sale. I had been waiting for it, and planning on going. My younger brother, Dov, goes to school at CU Boulder so I thought Id be able to kill two birds with one airplane – visiting him and going to RubyConf.

I got to the site was about to put in my credit card info, but a quick check to my bank account made me think twice about making the purchase. The very same day I had spent more money then I haver had on clothes buying myself my first suit (I’m the programmer not the biz guy) for a wedding I’m attending on Sunday. So that quick check made me close my laptop and think about it for a sec. And for that I’m an idiot. I woke up the next morning, to the other announcement and all was moot.

Oh well . . . see you at RubyConf 0 7!

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