This post does not use git in a pun as a replacement for get (ie “git’n it”)

As with most things on this blog, it’d old news but, wow . . . Git rocks. Moreover, github rocks. Over the past few months I’ve been starting all new projects with git and github and I can honestly say that not only has it mad my life easier, it’s made at least the version control part of my life – fun. Big props to the github team – they’ve made an awesome product that’s changing the way we think about and use open source code.

Learning Git

It took a second to really get why git was any better then svn and why I should care. Reading helped but I would say start a github account, put a project up and just learn the workflow.

Here are some resources that got me stared:

Quirkey on git

Most importantly, in line with above I’ve moved all of my projects and even put some new ones that are in development up there:>

One Response to “This post does not use git in a pun as a replacement for get (ie “git’n it”)”

[…] « This post does not use git in a pun as a replacement for get (ie “git’n it”) […]


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