Coming to a town near you

I’m very excited to announce some engagements coming up in the next couple of months. First and closest, I’ll be giving a talk today (Tues. Feb. 9th 2010) at my hometown Ruby Brigade, nyc.rb The talk will be about Resque and resque-status. Currently the event is ‘sold out’ but if you ping the list or someone in #irc before, you might be able to get a last minute spot. My slides are ready to go, so I’ll post them as soon as the talk is over.

Second, I’m headed back to Edinburgh to speak at the Scottish Ruby Conference. I love this city, and the conference last year was very much above par. I’m excited to say I’ll be talking about JavaScript at a Ruby Conference. I’ve been working this talk out in my head for a long time, through lessons learned and taught to my colleagues and clients. There are also a lot of other great looking talks, including Tim Bray, Alexander Lang, Scott Chacon. Actually, the whole conference looks pretty incredible. I guarantee fun. As of writing this, there are still tickets available, so register now.

Third, and possibly most exciting, I’m very proud to be chosen to speak at JSConf 2010. I heard nothing but “AWESOME” about last years event, and I kept hitting myself for missing it. This year the esteemed Chris Williams is putting together what promises to be the best techincal conference ever. I can’t even say how excited I am to be a part of it. The status is that the conference is already sold out, but I would follow @jsconf with a watchful eye to see if there are any announcements. Chris is also a lover of beer, so I cant promise anything, but some very very rare bottles might sway his favor.

There are some other proposals out there as well, but these two confs were all I did this year, I’d be pretty happy.

2 Responses to “Coming to a town near you”

Rock on. There will be a very small group of tickets that go back on sale coming up very soon (can’t say specifically when yet) so others should keep watch for this. They will go _very_ fast.

dpree Says: #

great to here this.. seems there will be the chance to meet you on jsconf.EU later that year 🙂

go on!



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