The Future of Ruby Performance Tooling

A couple of weeks ago I gave a talk at GoRuCo about Ruby Performance Tooling. It was amazing to finally give a full talk at a conference that I've been attending almost every year since it started (has it really been 8 years?). It was also really fun to talk about something I've been investing so much energy into recently.

Ruby performance has always been a topic of interest, but as Paperless Post has grown its taken on a new level of importance for myself and the team. We've consistently been living on the edge of Ruby and have been running Ruby 2 since it was just released. As some friends and colleagues finally received commit privileges to Ruby core, I became even more involved, following each change set and testing out the latest features.

It's been extremely exciting to see Ruby come around and not just focus on features for developers but finally add a number of features for operators as well. I really believe this is just the beginning and within the next year Ruby will be much easier to introspect and operate in production. We're finally getting the type of tooling that other communities have had for years.

I'd love to talk to you if you're interested in Ruby performance and working on and using some of these tools.

Heres a full video of the talk as well as slides and links to relevant projects:

GORUCO 2014 - Aaron Quint - The Future of Ruby Performance Tooling from Gotham Ruby Conference on Vimeo.

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